Many patients are referred to the Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology for treatment of headaches and migraines, as a primary diagnosis or secondary to neck and spinal dysfunction. Headaches may develop from a number of causes: (1) an injury or accident which strains the cervical tissue and joints, (2) postural strain, especially with prolonged sitting, (3) cervical muscle overuse secondary to weakness in the stabilization muscles of the upper back and (4) referred from trigger points in the cervical muscles.
For further information about Headaches and Migraines, see our Neurology Library article about Headaches/Migraine.
Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology Headache and Migraine Rehabilitation
Physical therapists at the Minneapolis Clinic of Neurology thoroughly evaluate each patient to assess the cause of the headaches and provide an individualized treatment plan. Our comprehensive protocol, developed with highly experienced physical therapists and neurologists, has proven to be successful even with severe and long-term conditions.
Headache and migraine treatment often focuses on:
- Decreasing pain and other symptoms
- Decreasing medication use
- Improving function and activity
- Decreasing headache triggers
- Improving spinal strength and stability
- Improving headache self-management skills
Headache and migraine treatment often includes a combination of the following:
- Manual therapy, such as myofascial techniques and joint mobilization
- Modalities, such as ultrasound or electrical stimulation
- Strengthening of the deep cervical muscles and scapular stabilization muscles
- Coordination and neuromuscular training
- Stretching and range-of-motion exercises
- Postural and alignment correction
- Postural restoration techniques and breathing instruction
- Ergonomics and instruction in optimal positioning for work-related tasks
- Instruction in optimal positioning for household, self-care and recreational tasks
- Headache/migraine self-management education